Jesus sauve aujourd hui! venez a lui.

Galerie Céleste

Découvrez notre mission de répandre la parole de Dieu partout.

woman in white and red floral dress wearing sunglasses
woman in white and red floral dress wearing sunglasses
brown sand with brown sand
brown sand with brown sand
person reading book beside white ceramic mug with coffee
person reading book beside white ceramic mug with coffee
brown wooden shelf with plush toys
brown wooden shelf with plush toys

Projets Divins

Nous partageons la parole de Dieu à travers le monde.

hindu deity figurine in a room
hindu deity figurine in a room
Mission Évangélique

Répandre l'amour de Dieu dans chaque communauté.

woman in red and blue dress with gold crown
woman in red and blue dress with gold crown
Événements Spirituels

Organiser des rencontres pour renforcer la foi ensemble.

person standing while reading ook
person standing while reading ook
brown wooden chairs inside church
brown wooden chairs inside church
Témoignages Chrétiens

Partager des histoires de transformation par la foi.

Formation Spirituelle

Former des leaders pour propager l'évangile efficacement.